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Timothy Kelly Creating Buzz In His Hometown Minneapolis Minnesota With His Fast Results

Timothy Kelly is a certified NASM personal fitness trainer in the twin cities know for his fast results and amazing work ethic. We got to sit down and learn more about this awesome fitness trainer and learn more about his background and upbringing. 

What inspired you to start becoming a fitness trainer ?

I fell from a three story cliff scaffold at a carpentry job I was recently hired at this company. I had to go through physical therapy for 9 months. The physical therapist who coach me back to my own physical strength inspired me to want to train others.

What was your background like growing up ? 

I come from a two parent home growing up as a child and my mom and dad are both entrepreneurs, and they inspired me to do so myself. They in no way were rich starting off but they worked hard and eventually were able to provide a well off environment for their kids.

What’s the highest level of education you have completed ?

The highest level of education I’ve completed his high school and I went to school at Minnesota State University of Mankato and North Hennepin community college.

Where you see your business growing in the next 2/5 years ?

 In the next two years I see my business growing to be a private gym, a athletic clothing brand, and as well as a wellness product for supplementation and nutrition.

    Background on how you came up and got to this point ?

Before I fell from the scaffold, I was doing all sorts of labor jobs in Minnesota anything manual labor wise I was pretty much doing it I worked at the airport fueling the planes, I worked in Construction doing demolition. I worked forJenny-o’s  slaughtering turkeys, and I worked as a carpenter, etc. I came to this point because I got fed up with working under someone and not really following a passion just working for a paycheck.


Celebrate Spotlight

Minnesota Artists Badside Xavy And Kurry Miyagi Collaboration Making Buzz In St.Paul Minnesota

  Minnesota artists making noise for there self out of the St.Paul music scene. Badside Xavy and his brother Kurry Miyagi are upcoming rappers from St.Paul Minnesota where there manager Rich Yellowboy Carter have set high expectations for his team this year.  Badside Xavy and Kurry have been in the music for that music time as they have already break out records and have peaked on the weekly charts here in Minnesota. Badside Xavy single “Whistle” got the city on buzz and recent reached 56,000 view in under one month of being out. Kurry Miyagi is new to music either as his track record is every impression and has massed over 120,000 view on YouTube today. With hit song like “Saturday Night” feat Badside Xavy at 25,000 view via YouTube,  And his hit single “Example” at 35,000 on YouTube.