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Showing posts from April 26, 2023

Minnesota Born Female Rapper Deezy Looking To Shock The Minnesota Music Scene With Her Talent

  Rapper Deezy on the fast track to making a name for herself in the heart of the Twin Cities. St.Paul born and raised female artist Deezy recently emerge over to Minnesota music scene, we’re her music starting to create buzz in the city. She known for her versatility and the way she delivers or sound and quality. Tell us about your background and how you gotten where you are today ? I’m a 27 year old female Minnesota native . Born in St.Paul Minnesota, Raised on the west side of Chicago . I’m an upcoming music artist & entrepreneur .I have a hair business I’ve been running for 2 yrs . How did vou get into music and what’s the most challenging thing you have overcome in your life?  I started writing poetry at thirteen years old and I was in 8th grade. I became a published poet at a very young age and always had a love for writing. From there on to highscool at about 15/16 years old my Bestfriend & I use to motivate each othe