Minnesota Barber Tyzell Creating Major Hype In His Hometown For Giving Away Free Haircuts To Clients In Need


Minnesota emerging licensed barber Tyzell has been making a major name for himself in the emerging Minnesota barber scene. Known for his acts of kindness where Tyzell gives free hair cuts to clients in need with no money needed. He's changing the narrative in his hometown for people that can't get hair cuts. Tyzell has recently gained recognition from college athletes in his hometown, like Parker Fox and more, where they speak about his amazing cutting skills. 

What inspired you to get into the barber court ?

SamDaMan, my old barber. He inspired me to cut hair, he was a father figure to me and taught me a lot about adulthood. His confidence in his barbering piqued my curiosity about cutting hair and made me want to learn. I wanted him to be my mentor to teach me, but shortly after I got my first pair of clippers, he passed away. I continued to learn after his passing to honor his memory. 

Who’s the biggest name you have cut since becoming a barber ?

 Twin Cities: R&B artist Chombae, MN YouTuber Romelle Belle, D1 NCAA CFB Trill Carter from Texas Longhorns and UofM

Where did you get your barber license from ? 

 Townsend Barber Institute

What’s your goal in the next 2 years of cutting hair ? 

 Goal 1: Host a barber charity event for local elementary and middle schools and give school supplies back to people in need. 

Goal 2: start averaging 20–30 cuts a week and build and establish relationships with my clientele 

You have recently been gaining recognition for your cutting down on homes and people in need. The event you have been doing. What made you start that up ?

Lately, I’ve been going through a bunch of unexpected family changes which lead to a change of heart posture. It gives me the ability to do things with the kindness of my heart and give back to my environment around me. 

Growing up, my mom was like grandma of the family. When someone needed something or somewhere to stay, they went to Amber’s house (my mom). I had all sorts of people living with me, tons of people I didn’t want to be like growing up. 

My mom always told me to stay away from the streets because I'd end up dead or in jail. She had this saying “if you get arrested you should run towards the police and run from me” and I didn’t want to find out what that meant 

I always stood to myself playing games and sports, then as I got older, I went outside, cutting more grass, taking people’s trash out for five dollars, painting people's addresses on their curbs and shoveling to get money. My mom always told me their ways to get money instead of being in the streets. She showed me how to be an entrepreneur and ways not to learn the hard way. She gave me the blueprint but the free will to choose what I'd do with that.
