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Florida Rapper Find’s New Found Home In The Minnesota Music Scene

Vel ROCK recently moved to Minneapolis, MN where he’s been on the fast track to success. He grow up in the Florida music scene and got learn all background of music. He was known in his community leader and did amazing event drives for the kids and projects like “Elevate” which is creating buzz in the city.

We asked Vel ROCK about his upbringing and background ?

I’m from Pensacola, Florida born and raised . I also lived in Alabama For a couple years throughout elementary school .  I got into music through pro wrestling . My dad wasn’t around growing up so it was just me and moms and my tv . I only watched  dragon ball z , yugioh , and WWE . Every wrestler has there own theme music and most of it was rock . I Remember In 03 When I Was 8 Years Old Walking Down The Hallway And Saw My Granddad Yelling At The TV Screaming “Undertaker Beat His Ass” And Once I Looked At The Tv I Saw A White Dude In A NBA Jersey In The Middle Of A Graveyard And Grandad Said His Name Was John Cena . That Was The First Wrestler I Saw I TV and he Was rapping and insulting his opponents in the ring before and after the match. I was instantly hooked

 Who inspired you to get into the music industry ?

I was eventually exposed to music outside of WWE . My auntie who I had visit from time to time was playing a song called I’m in love with a stripper when she was cleaning her house . I had no idea what a stripper was but I knew who T-pain was the moment I heard that song multiples after that visit . T-pain was the first artist I paid attention to as kid in terms of lyrics . The way he sounded was so different than anything i heard from pro wrestling music and that made me want to seek more music as a kid. So Hiphop and Rock was my first introduction to music . Which was the reason why I chose the name Vel ROCK . 

What age did you start learning you had the talent and voice for the music industry ?

I started getting into music at the age of 13 . My mom told my middle school to put me in the violin class in the mornings . It was a wrap from there . Once I figured out how to read music I stopped using the music guidebook and started playing by ear . I continued in high school and was a member of the school’s orchestra. 

What’s your biggest challenge you have overcome since being in the industry ?

The biggest challenge thing I had to overcome was dancing . I was laughed at a 7th grade school dance thinking I could mimic what I saw from this movie called Step Up 2 The Streets . I was determined to learn how to dance the following summer going Into 8th grade . It was a big challenge for me because I knew once I learned I wouldn’t laughed . The first dance moved I learned was the moonwalk . My elders told me to watch Micheal Jackson so i learned  his most famous move first . Then I Started Watching and listening to Chris brown and once I made his moves into my own I was finally ready for that 8th grade dance  . The rest was history from there . 

Tell us more about you background and facts we should know ? 

I’m currently a independent artist . 

Mental Health Awareness Is A Real Thing And That’s Something That Inspires Me To Make Music For Fun Loving People And Individuals Who Deal With Depression and anxiety . Just a artist coming in peace but also working on himself as well. 

My next single is called midnight blue . It’s about my mind and impulses . I recently started therapy because of the hate in my heart I put upon others which isn’t a good thing at all . This single is me talking to myself as if I’m own therapist listening to myself talk about my mental. 

A day in the life of Vel ROCK is pretty simple . I Sleep Til 4am which is my bed time after recording . I mainly write all day . Watch wrestling and anime . Tend to my day job . 

I want the audience to know I appreciate their ears and they won’t be disappointed on my future projects. 

My sound can be described as wavy and upbeat but can transition to sad Indie rock .


Celebrate Spotlight

Minnesota Artists Badside Xavy And Kurry Miyagi Collaboration Making Buzz In St.Paul Minnesota

  Minnesota artists making noise for there self out of the St.Paul music scene. Badside Xavy and his brother Kurry Miyagi are upcoming rappers from St.Paul Minnesota where there manager Rich Yellowboy Carter have set high expectations for his team this year.  Badside Xavy and Kurry have been in the music for that music time as they have already break out records and have peaked on the weekly charts here in Minnesota. Badside Xavy single “Whistle” got the city on buzz and recent reached 56,000 view in under one month of being out. Kurry Miyagi is new to music either as his track record is every impression and has massed over 120,000 view on YouTube today. With hit song like “Saturday Night” feat Badside Xavy at 25,000 view via YouTube,  And his hit single “Example” at 35,000 on YouTube.