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Minnesota Restaurant Traphouse Chicken Creating Major Buzz In Minneapolis


Minnesota business owner Herbert Baker Aka (Trap House) truly changing the narrative of what it is to be a African-American successful business owner in the Twin Cities. Traphouse Chicken LLC started as a idea to touch hearts and give back to the community with food. Traphouse currently have a good truck operating out of brooklyn park, where it’s driving in sells and creating shocking buzz in the cities. Everyone knows that to get people to come together food was the best idea. Through media hard work and long hours Traphouse chicken was born and started to make a name for there selfs in Minneapolis.

We asked Herbert Baker what inspired him to come up with the company ? 

My love and passion for food I been doing it the last 4 to 5 years. As a child growing up I always had a passion for culinary arts, the idea of food and more.

Have you host or worked with and many stream companies in your industry?

First Responders such as firefighters, EMTS, police, and even secretary of state. I have provided my service with tons of small venues athletes and influencers etc.

Where was your born and how this come about ? 

My childhood started in a small town of Alton , IL in a large family. Everyone knew each other.  I've lived on the east coast in Jersey and West coast in Compton.  And a few places in between. My mama taught me how to make a living and survive when things got hard.  My passion along the way was, and still is,  cooking.  I've always enjoyed cooking for the family,  and friends as well. One day I was offered to sell plates.

  Where you see your brand in the next couple years ? 

The next couple years I see my business expanding from a food truck to a standing brick and mortar restaurant.  In the next 5 years, I see multiple locations in MN.


Celebrate Spotlight

Minnesota Artists Badside Xavy And Kurry Miyagi Collaboration Making Buzz In St.Paul Minnesota

  Minnesota artists making noise for there self out of the St.Paul music scene. Badside Xavy and his brother Kurry Miyagi are upcoming rappers from St.Paul Minnesota where there manager Rich Yellowboy Carter have set high expectations for his team this year.  Badside Xavy and Kurry have been in the music for that music time as they have already break out records and have peaked on the weekly charts here in Minnesota. Badside Xavy single “Whistle” got the city on buzz and recent reached 56,000 view in under one month of being out. Kurry Miyagi is new to music either as his track record is every impression and has massed over 120,000 view on YouTube today. With hit song like “Saturday Night” feat Badside Xavy at 25,000 view via YouTube,  And his hit single “Example” at 35,000 on YouTube.